Can improvements to office lighting help employees return to work

Working practices worldwide have changed in recent years, with more employees working in a hybrid fashion between their office and home, but increasingly, businesses are keen to encourage workers to spend more time together to foster more collaboration and improve productivity.

Encouraging workers to return to the office involves creating an environment that not only meets their needs but also surpasses their expectations. Modern lighting systems play a crucial role in achieving this goal and can make the workplace more appealing to employees, enticing them back to the office.

The power of a modern office

The shift from fluorescent to LED lighting in offices

Traditionally, fluorescent overhead lighting was the standard in offices due to its cost-effectiveness. However, as this technology is phased out, LED lighting has become the norm in new office buildings. When deployed as part of a considered and well-designed space, LED lighting offers greater energy efficiency and has a positive impact on employee well-being and productivity. The flexibility of LED lighting systems creates a more adaptable working environment where lighting can be controlled to suit the multi-functional requirements of the workspace.

The impact on productivity and comfort

Home office lighting rarely has the same flexibility as is offered by dedicated and planned workplace lighting systems. Inflexible illumination levels can affect mood and cause eyestrain as well as affecting the ability to perform different tasks over the course of a working day.

Different job roles have varying lighting requirements. Workers who spend a lot of time at a screen benefit from a lighting environment that allows them to concentrate better on their computer without the distraction of reflections which can be common on home overhead home lighting that does not include light diffusers. By contrast, workers who primarily use paper-based systems benefit from brighter lighting. As work requirements change over the course of a working day, the type of lighting needed for optimum productivity varies, which cannot be handled by home lighting.

Making the office environment more inviting

A welcoming office environment where employees can succeed in their work and achieve more with their time is important in encouraging employees to spend more time with their colleagues. Planning the lighting systems in your offices plays a major role in making the workplace more enjoyable for workers.

Benefits of adjustable LED lighting

Some modern office LED lighting systems can feature softer tones that can be adjusted. With appropriate smart lighting control systems, they can be configured to different brightness levels, catering to individual preferences. Employees can fine-tune their lighting based on their tasks and comfort and create a working environment that suits their needs.

Using daylight and dark spaces effectively

The best spaces complement natural daylight with a well-planned office lighting system. This can boost mood by balancing natural light from outdoors with internal light to both save energy and improve comfort. By combining brighter spaces with dedicated dark spaces, you can offer areas that are well suited to focused work and video calls to provide workers in the office with options that suit their needs.

Creating workplace autonomy through smart lighting controls

Post-pandemic, autonomy over the work environment is crucial, as many employees will have configured their home office space to their preferences, and returning to a rigorously planned environment may be jarring and affect productivity. Offering controllable smart lighting that allows for brightness and colour temperature changes.

Lighting is more than aesthetics

Encouraging workers to prefer spending their days in the office rather than working from home has led companies to reimagine what the office space can be and helped to prioritise well-being. Lighting improvements are not just about aesthetics; they directly impact productivity, comfort, and overall satisfaction. By embracing modern lighting systems, businesses can create workplaces that employees genuinely want to return to—spaces that inspire creativity, collaboration, and success.

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