Whitecroft Lighting are required to carry out Gender Pay Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. The figures are taken from employee data correct as of 5th April 2023.
1. Gender Pay Gap
The below percentages give the difference between the average hourly pay between male and female employees. This data includes all full-time permanent employees in the pay period, excluding those on maternity, paternity, or sick leave.
Mean Gender Pay Gap: 16%
Median Gender Pay Gap: 17.5%
When comparing median hourly pay, women’s median hourly pay is 10% lower than men’s.
When comparing mean (average) hourly pay, women’s mean hourly pay is 16% lower than men’s.
2. Bonus Gender Pay Gap
The below percentages show the difference between the average bonus paid to relevant male and female employees in the 12 months to 5th April 2023.
Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap: 15.7%
Median Bonus Gender Pay Gap: 0%
3. Proportion of Male and Female Employees Receiving a Bonus
The below shows the bonus payment percentages, intended to reflect the distribution of bonus payments made to men and women, who were paid bonus pay in the 12 months ending 5th April 2023.
Male: 56.9%
Female: 51.5%
4. Male and Female Employees by Pay Quartile
The below figures give the percentage of male and female employees in each pay quartile. This data includes all permanent employees in the pay period, excluding those on maternity, paternity, or sick leave.
Quartile |
Lower |
Lower Middle |
Upper Middle |
Upper |
% Male |
64.3% |
64.3% |
77.1% |
82.1% |
% Female |
35.7% |
35.7% |
22.9% |
17.9% |