Relight: Currys National Retrofit and Upgrade


A lighting retrofit that reduced carbon and energy bills

When electrical retailer Currys decided to replace fluorescent lighting in 77 stores, they wanted to do so in a way that would minimise their carbon output as part of their 2040 Roadmap to Net-Zero strategy.

As with many UK businesses, Currys was also keen to look at ways of reducing their energy bills. Finally they had to consider upcoming rule changes on the use of fluorescent lighting.

Tom Gardener, Senior Facilities Manager for Currys, explains: “Due to the sharp rise in energy costs our business cases for lighting energy efficiency were flying through. Change was also driven by forthcoming legislation banning certain fluorescent lighting, which sharpened our focus to remove and replace some types of lighting.” 

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the existing lighting infrastructure


operational carbon reduction


modular luminaires installed

Key facts

Project Name

Currys Lighting Retrofit


Batchelors Electrical


Currys Plc


November 2022


UK Nationwide

The solution

Our Relight system was the perfect solution because it reuses much of the existing lighting infrastructure, minimising waste. Additionally, the installation of our modular, easy to upgrade luminaires meant that office and customer areas met the legislative challenge, helping Currys cut carbon output, energy usage and electricity bills.

Tom Gardener adds: “Working with Whitecroft Lighting and learning about its approach to circularity – reusing and recycling materials – has been a very positive experience. We were impressed with the short and longer-term material and labour cost benefits of Relight, but we didn’t fully appreciate the carbon saving value until we worked on the product. Our new lighting not only improved our energy efficiency but also our approach to circularity and reusing existing infrastructure.” Read more.

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